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Rosendin Rosendin

Long Beach , CA

City of Long Beach Solar Canopy Installations

Project Summary

Rosendin delivered design-build services for canopy-mounted solar power systems at eleven (11) sites, which were all part of the contract Rosendin had with Luminace. All installations were performed on city-owned properties. Four (4) of the eleven (11) were solar canopies installed on at grade parking areas. The seven (7) remaining were installed on the roof deck of existing parking garages, with one of the solar canopies located over Parking Lots A and B of the Long Beach Airport. All work was localized leaving Lots A and B open for the public during the installation of the 2.5 MW solar canopy.

City of Long Beach Solar Canopy Installations

A Combined Total of 6 MW of Multiple Solar Canopy Installations

Long Beach , CA
City of Long Beach
4 STEL Engineering, Inc.
15 Months
6.069 MWDC

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