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Rosendin Rosendin

Construction Safety Week 2024

We Value Every Voice.

Rosendin is a proud sponsor of National Construction Safety Week.

The success of our work depends on providing our employees and project partners with a safe environment. Everyone on the project is responsible for their safety and the entire team’s safety. We encourage everyone to choose safety and create an environment that supports open communication, ownership, and teamwork.

At Rosendin, every employee is empowered to help maintain a safe work environment for every person on our job sites and offices, including coworkers, general contractors, clients, and trade partners. Our employees are authorized to shut down unsafe work practices without fear of reprimand. This includes hazing, harassment, bullying, and any act or practice that poses a risk. We encourage you to ask questions when something doesn’t seem quite right. Look out for each other. Working safely is a company value; we want you to be safe.

We Value Every Voice.

Staying connected and committed is crucial for us to show up fully and support each other. We must prioritize feeling supported, which will enable us to make safer choices and deliver exceptional work. This is how we build safer individuals and teams, ultimately creating safer job sites.

Learn more about our efforts here.

Monday, May 6th – Drive Personal Ownership

Working together, we can build a supportive culture where everyone’s voice matters. By encouraging open communication, we will create an environment where people feel safe to speak up, we will learn more about what is happening on the job, and employees will bring their complete selves to work without fear.

When there is trust, respect, and communication, we are all empowered to own and act on safety. Working together creates more opportunities to improve the safety culture on a project, strengthen our connections, and break the patterns that lead to bad decisions. Speak up and use your own strong voice to help everyone make safe choices.

Download Daily Toolbox Talk

Tuesday, May 7th – Encourage & Welcome New Ideas

Whether it’s the first construction site you’ve been on or your 50th, you’ve likely heard someone say, “We’re all responsible for safety.” If we all agree that each of us is responsible for our safety and those around us, isn’t it important to encourage and welcome new ideas that contribute to safe outcomes? If everyone is accountable for safety, we need to be willing to listen and respond to everyone’s concerns and suggestions.

The dialogue created through everyone’s contribution to the discussion brings forward all the expertise on the crew. It leads to better hazard identification and safety improvements in the work process.

Download Daily Toolbox Talk

We Value Every Voice.

To achieve complete safety, it’s crucial that we include every aspect of our well-being in our safety cultures and programs. We need to remain alert and observant and always have each other’s backs to ensure holistic safety. The physical and mental safety of all individuals plays a vital role in our relationships and enhances our ability to bring our best selves to work every day, making us more productive and safer.

Wednesday, May 8th – Embrace Every Voice

Embracing every voice creates an environment where every team member feels valued and heard. When people feel their voice is heard, employee morale and engagement improve, teams are more productive, and various perspectives are shared.

We encourage everyone to report unsafe conditions and hazards to their supervisor to eliminate those hazards and prevent incidents and injuries from occurring at our project sites and facilities. Not having the training or knowledge to complete a task poses as much risk as a physical hazard. If the scope of work is unclear, gather more information or ask a supervisor or coworker to demonstrate how to complete a task.

Download Daily Toolbox Talk

Thursday, May 9th – Strengthen Our Culture

An effective safety culture is important for our success at Rosendin. For us to succeed, everyone at Rosendin must create a safe environment for all of our project sites, warehouses, and facilities.

The goal is to send everyone home each day safely without getting injured.

As a crew member, you also need to set the tone for safe practices. There should be no difference in the commitment to safety regardless of levels within the company. No one should be injured because we did not take the time to plan our work and work our plan.

Download Daily Toolbox Talk

We Value Every Voice.

Rosendin’s commitment to safety through meaningful action and permanent solutions is rooted in our core values: We Care. We Share. We Listen. We Innovate. We Excel.

Friday, May 10th – Take Action and Thank You!

We all have a voice in safety, and nothing we do is worth risking our lives or the lives of our fellow team members. Empowering our craft workers to raise their concerns and act goes beyond simply discussing it at daily toolbox meetings. Everyone has a voice to make safe choices.

We want to thank you all for your participation in Safety Week 2024! Together, we are working to make our industry safer, which takes a commitment from us all. We know it’s a collaborative effort that we all must participate in. Because of your dedication, our industry is better today than ever before. Let’s keep our focus on continual improvement and build a construction industry that is better and safer for all.

Download Daily Toolbox Talk

If you are interested in showing your commitment to stand up against discrimination, harassment, and bullying, we invite you to visit and sign Rosendin’s Culture of Care pledge.

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